“As a second time mom, I wasn’t sure I needed a doula initially. I gave birth for the first time in 2018, but my birth experience didn’t go exactly the way I wanted it to in terms of pain management.

My biggest goal with my 2022 birth experience was to labor without the intervention of pain medications and I knew I couldn’t do it without the support of a doula.

Jhenielle listened to my birth goals and assured me that she would support me. She provided great emotional support throughout my pregnancy and was my biggest cheerleader during my labor experience. Jhenielle affirmed me throughout my labor assuring me that I could handle it and applied comfort measures during every contraction that helped me manage the pain. I’m proud to say that I achieved my goal of not getting any pain medication during my labor and I know for a fact that’s all due to God and Jhenielle as my doula supporting me through every moment of labor. Thank you for helping me to have an amazing birth experience!”

Ashley Hutchinson-James


Caitlyn Pierre


Amanda B.